This program is tucked inside my grandfather's WWII scrapbook. It's the menu for dinner onboard the USS San Francisco on December 25, 1944.

The dinner included the following: Assorted Olives
Sweet Mixed Pickles
Consommé Princess [With green peas and chicken; I had to Google it.]
Baked Virginia Ham
Roast Tom Turkey
Apple Dressing
Giblet Gravy
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Drawn Butter
Hot Rolls
Apple Pie Ala Mode
Bread & Butter
Hard Candies
[And...] Cigars
My dinner menu for today is not much different. Just ham, with no turkey or dressing; no soup; and no cigars. And I am cooking for 8 people, not hungry sailors on a heavy cruiser warship. And I've still been to the grocery store 4 times this week for provisions.
The program also includes a message from the captain, H.E. Overesch:
Christmas brings a flood of recollections. Memories of happy, by-gone days when families, friends, and loved ones were an inseparable part of the holiday we gaily celebrated.
You may be sure that memories of you are now crowding the thoughts of those you left behind, wishing you all things good and with heartfelt prayers for your safety.
May I, too, join with them in those thoughts and in repeating those old but truly expressive words -- "A MERRY CHRISTMAS to You All."
My thoughts today include many from those happy, by-gone days of my youth--and of those who have since left me behind. But I will be with loved ones today. I wish the same to you.