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Jensens, Part 13: Hilda

Hilda Josephine Jensen was born on the homestead in 1881. She was the 6th child of Jacob and Ingeborg.

In a time when a lot of women were immediately settling down and starting a family, Hilda had some adventure in her. In her very early 20s, she claimed some land in western South Dakota with her sister, Louise. They homesteaded it and built a little shanty. Two women fending for themselves out on the prairie was rather unheard of at the time.

Hilda went to nursing school in Sioux City, Iowa and graduated in 1918. She served as a nurse in World War I and spent her life living at the family farm south of Sioux Falls, in Sioux City for school, then in Denver and Belle Fourche, South Dakota.

She had a very artistic side and we have paintings by her and many drawings.

Hilda never married. She was very close with her siblings and nieces and nephews. She frequently corresponded with everyone and was very good about visiting people and staying in touch.

Hilda died in a nursing home in Armour, South Dakota just shy of her 90th birthday.

Photo: Hilda at nursing school in Sioux City- 1918. Hilda is on the far right.

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