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Unlabeled Photos

If you have a lot of old photos that are unlabeled, hang onto them! You may find identities for them later. I've found oodles of identities for unlabeled photos of mine through collaboration with other distant relatives.

These unlabeled photos were among several in my grandma Dorothy Smith's items things. Since she was from Fremont County, Iowa, I have uploaded them to a database of unlabeled photos for the area. Hopefully someone will recognize them, and these people can be remembered again.

To see other photos that may be from Riverton, Iowa, check out this page on the Fremont County, Iowa, section of Other towns in Fremont County are Anderson, Farragut, Hamburg, Imogene, Knox, McPaul, Payne, Percival, Randolph, Sidney, Thurman, and Tabor. If you're researching in any county in Iowa, be sure to visit to see what resources are available. You might find some good information, or even a familiar face.


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